About Me

 So you are here and I guess you are interested in my work or my life? or a bit of both? See below for some random facts about me. Or explore the rest of the site for my work xx

I live in East Maitland with my husband and a couple of quirky teens. We have a small house and a backyard overgrown with wisteria and ivy. I like sarcasm and weird movies. I always aim to be a kind, thoughtful human and help others where ever I can.

I like cake and hiking, chocolate and mountain biking. I like gin and reading, old stuff and long grass. I think floating in the ocean on a calm day is the ultimate bliss. I am reserved but love to chat. Mint choc chip ice cream is my favourite but I will eat any and all the flavours.

This might be controversial but... I don't drink coffee and have never watched an episode of Game of Thrones! Also I don't love dogs or cats, I'm more of a chicken person. (Although I have recently acquired a sweet kitten so I may be coming around to the cat side)

I am a volunteer Hearfelt photographer and a canteen helper. And I love going to see live music. I bake when I am hungry and there are no treats in the house. I yell at my children sometimes but hug them whenever they let me.

I love to wear jeans and band shirts, and also dresses (with pockets) and boots. I'm at peace out in the bush camping with friends. I have an awesome extended family and am so happy my children have a heap of cousins to hang out with.

I love meeting new faces and photographing people. Random conversations with small children are my favourite. I like little regular imperfect moments, things that make you smile.

I am happy and look to the bright side of situations (well most of the time- I often cry in movies and sometimes ads).

Get in touch if you want to catch up for ice cream or maybe get photographs of you eating ice cream? I'd love to hear all about you too.

My photos by my friends The Branding Photographers and Dusk and Vine Photography

Newborn Photography Portraits

See some recent work on the BLOG.

Click On Following Links
Photo session on the farm

Photo session on the farm

Photo session on the farm A Mum and her daughters and lots of laughs at this photo session on the farm! These girls were so great! I love to photograph on a property, to scope out what's around, meet the pets and wildlife and find amazing pockets of natural light. I...

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Family Session Morpeth River Bank

Family Session Morpeth River Bank

Family Session Morpeth River Bank Recently, I had the pleasure of documenting a family portrait session by the river at Morpeth River Bank. This family of four were ready for some new photos to updated their frames on the wall. significance of printing photos in our...

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